Monday, December 5, 2011

Mobile Phone Internet Usage

There was this year a neat infographic highlighting statistics on how people are using mobile phones in 2011.  The infographic shows that over 1 billion of the worlds 4+ billion mobiles phones are now smartphones, and 3 billion are SMS enabled. In 2014, mobile internet usage will overtake desktop internet usage and already in 2011, more than 50% of all “local” searches are done from a mobile device.

It is all part of a media blitz.  People are multitasking with their phones. 86% of mobile users are watching TV while using a mobile phone, 200+ million users access Facebook from a mobile device and 91% of all mobile internet use is “social” related but not necessarily to interact via the Internet.  Much of this socializing is text and talk related.

Most who access the Internet do so to find something immediate and geo-centric.  They are in a location at a specific time and want to know more or they simply want to waste time playing games.  Over half of all searches for local stuff are performed from a mobile device.  Checking the weather or exploring maps and directions are two of the top uses for mobile phones while finding out more about a dining or entertainment choice is also high on the list as a highly utilized type of browsing.

With the continuing saturation of the marketplace with mobile phones and applications, it is imperative that a plan for your company to incorporate such technologies is in place.  Companies must have a web site designed specifically for mobile phone access.  Mobile phone browsers are different and must be specifically designed for.  PTC Computer Solutions has a full understanding with a focus on bringing companies to this market and can answer all your questions on how to get wirelessed in.  Go to , contact PTC Computer Solutions at or call 904.992.1742 for more on how to get wirelessed in and stay on top of these new technologies.

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